‪O'tkazgichning qarshiligi‬

‪O'tkazgichning qarshiligi‬ is an interactive sim. It changes as you play with it.

In the Play Area you find the Resistance equation, R equals rho times L over A, and a piece of wire. Sliders for resistivity, length, and area allow changes to the equation and the piece of wire. The Control Panel has a button to reset the sim.


  • resistance, R, is 0.667 ohms
  • resistivity, rho, is 0.50 ohm centimeters
  • length, L, is 10.00 centimeters
  • area, A, is 7.50 centimeters squared

Look for resistivity, length, and area sliders to play, or read on for details about equation and wire.

If needed, check out keyboard shortcuts under Sim Resources.

Play Area

Resistance Equation

Resistance, R, is equal to resistivity, rho, times length, L, over area, A.

Size of letter R is comparable to the size of the letter rho, letter L, and letter A.

The Wire

Currently, wire is of medium length, of medium thickness, and there is a medium amount of impurities in wire. Resistance is 0.667 ohms.

Slider Controls

Resistivity, Length, and Area sliders allow changes to equation and wire.

Control Panel

Sim Resources